Thank you for a good account of whats happening. In an utter embarrassment and complete disregard for his public office & duty Mr Blinkin tells the Turkish state minister “ i come to you today not as a secretary of state for the united states but as a jewish man”! What exactly is that supposed to mean! How can the American public stand for this! And how is anyone supposed to respond to such racist statement! Israel is annihilating a whole people and its ok! In the name of jewish people! I don’t believe jewish people are ok with all this killing. And yes Netenyahou days are numbered its a matter of days. Hint, he’s pouring all his wrath and pounding the Palestinians to the ground. Finally and not the least the resistance movement to the Israeli military brutal machine will not be extinguished. The more oppression the more resistance. If Israel have not learned that in 75 years of occupation, and brutality then it will never learn.
Thank you for saying this. Violence on top of violence breeds more violence for future generations.
Thank you for a good account of whats happening. In an utter embarrassment and complete disregard for his public office & duty Mr Blinkin tells the Turkish state minister “ i come to you today not as a secretary of state for the united states but as a jewish man”! What exactly is that supposed to mean! How can the American public stand for this! And how is anyone supposed to respond to such racist statement! Israel is annihilating a whole people and its ok! In the name of jewish people! I don’t believe jewish people are ok with all this killing. And yes Netenyahou days are numbered its a matter of days. Hint, he’s pouring all his wrath and pounding the Palestinians to the ground. Finally and not the least the resistance movement to the Israeli military brutal machine will not be extinguished. The more oppression the more resistance. If Israel have not learned that in 75 years of occupation, and brutality then it will never learn.
and now comes the race card
to the moon Alice!...